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As an HVAC technician, it is essential to understand what SEER means and how it measures air conditioning systems. The good news is that you learn about SEER and many other crucial measurements in the HVAC Program at The Refrigeration School (RSI). So, what does SEER mean in HVAC?
What Does SEER Mean in HVAC?
SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio or rating. This is a ratio measurement of the cooling output of an air conditioner and heat pump during the spring and summer, divided by the energy usage in Watts per Hour.
What is a SEER Rating?
A higher SEER rating means the cooling system uses energy efficiently and less energy to cool the structure. In 1992, The Department of Energy established the air conditioning SEER rating to standardize the measurement of an air conditioner’s overall efficiency.1 As energy costs rise and quantity becomes scarcer, having a high SEER rating means saving money and the environment simultaneously.
SEER ratings help consumers understand what an air conditioning system will cost them on an annual basis. In many situations, investing in a newer air conditioner is better when the SEER rating is higher than the current system in the structure. The savings on electricity will pay for the latest air conditioning system.
What is a Good HVAC SEER Rating?
Determining a “good” SEER Rating depends on the needs and preferences of the homeowner. A higher SEER rating means a more efficient unit. However, the following must be considered:
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High Efficiency: An air conditioning unit’s SEER rating of 17 or higher is highly efficient. The best units have a SEER rating of 26 or higher.
Affordability: 14 or 15 is an affordable option for most residences. The higher the efficiency, the higher the cost because production, research, and development costs are higher.
Balance: A SEER rating between 15 and 18 is a good balance between efficiency and affordability. Many HVAC companies use higher SEER ratings, so it is essential to calculate your savings using an HVAC SEER Calculator2.
HVAC SEER Calculator
SEER is calculated as the ratio of total cooling capacity during a normal period of operation divided by the total electric energy input during the same period. The following formula can calculate the projected annual operating cost of an air conditioner:
Capacity (Btuh) or SEER x Hours x Electric Rate = Cost of Operation
Want To Learn More?
Ready to start your new career at one of the best HVAC schools in Phoenix? Because HVAC is a hands-on job, technical training is typically required for anyone to enter this field. Many people invest in a trade program to learn the trade skills they need to be safe and effective as professionals. To learn more about our HVAC program offered at the Phoenix, AZ campus, contact us at The Refrigeration School or call 1-888-671-5803.