Industrial HVAC systems provide heating, cooling and ventilation for large buildings or structures.1 You typically find industrial HVAC systems on the top of buildings, such […]
Let’s start with answering the question, “What Is HVAC?” “HVAC” is an acronym for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. These days, it’s common to see […]
Having good customer service skills can be essential in the HVAC industry. As an HVAC technician, you regularly interact with customers, and your business relies […]
HVAC jobs can be found across the United States, with 324,310 technicians employed nationwide in 2018, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).[1] But, job […]
Despite the best efforts of trained meteorologists, the weather can be seriously unpredictable.[1] That’s one reason why indoor climate control is a growing industry, with […]
You just graduated from a refrigeration training program and are ready to work. Can you picture it already? Paying service calls to homes and businesses […]
Many types of heating, cooling and refrigeration systems rely on refrigerants to transfer heat.[1] They can be essential to how the refrigeration process works in […]
“The issue of recruiting the next generation into the skilled trades is one of the biggest challenges facing our industry today.” -Palmer Schoening, vice president […]
Similar to other important skilled trades, the HVAC/R industry is facing a shortage of qualified workers right now.[1] Accounting for just 1.4 percent of the […]