Training for a New Career after Military Service

The Refrigeration School | Training for a New Career after Military Service
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RSI is a Great Training Option for Everyone

Learn more about how we can prepare you to advance your career.

As service members leave the military, finding a new career can be difficult. Skills they have learned in their training may not always translate easily into civilian life. Fortunately for former members of the military, many institutions have taken it upon themselves to provide educational programs and support services to allow these men and women to go back to school with as little hassle, difficulty, and financial burden as possible. Even if they are not fully prepared to enter the job market after leaving the military, there are still many resources open to veterans to get them there.

Finding a Meaningful Career

After leading an active life in the military, it may be hard for some service members to consider taking on a desk job. For this reason, many former members of the military are beginning to find work in the technical trades, including HVAC. Training to work in these technician positions allows men and women to develop a highly transferrable set of skills so that they can find work practically anywhere in the country. Work in the technical trades is also a rewarding use of time because you can immediately see the results of your efforts.

Training for a Technical Field

When entering a technical field, there is no substitute for hands-on experience. Any vocational program that prepares students to work in a technical field should include significant time in a practical lab so that students can use the tools and work on the equipment they will be handling on the job. At RSI, courses are divided between lecture and time in the workshop so students have a balance of theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience.

The Refrigeration School trains students of all backgrounds in the field of HVAC/R. It provides extensive support services to military members and veterans, and is actually listed as a VA-approved Military Friendly School. RSI offers special military tuition assistance to former and active military members as well as their dependents. Students called away on active service may also return without penalty, so their progress in training isn’t lost while they service their country. There are special counselors on campus who meet with local veteran representatives to help find job placement for military members.

Get Started on the Path to a New Career

Fill out our form to learn how we can help you change your life.

If you are interested in the services RSI offers military and dependents, contact The Refrigeration School in Phoenix, AZ today.


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