HVACR and the Restaurant Industry

The Refrigeration School | HVACR and the Restaurant Industry
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When it comes to energy efficiency, businesses have a lot of work to do. A recent report from E Source, an organization that promotes efficient and environmentally sustainable business practices, states that US businesses waste more than $60 billion annually on energy. The report also outlines how each industry uses energy. In the typical industry, most power usage goes toward lighting and HVAC. However, restaurants function very differently, with kitchen activities alone accounting for about two-thirds of energy consumption.

Energy Efficiency through HVACR Improvements

Restaurants in particular require unique HVACR services. Heavy duty ventilation equipment and fans are needed to maintain a clean environment suitable for working and food preparation. Food storage areas require air conditioners and advanced refrigeration technologies. Electrical appliances of all types are also used in the kitchen for dish washers, sanitizers, cooking equipment, mixing appliances, and more. It is critical that these items be maintained properly to run efficiently. Pacific Gas & Electric has determined that 80% of the $10 billion spent by the commercial food industry every year is consumed by wasteful cooking practices. Fortunately, HVAC technicians can make many changes to significantly reduce a restaurant’s unneeded spending to make the kitchen run more economically and efficiently.

HVACR Tips to Maintain a Well-Running Kitchen

Some of the most impactful tips to improve energy efficiency within a restaurant include:

  • Giving all cooking and storage equipment a deep clean every month
  • Calibrating ovens regularly to maintain the correct temperature
  • Checking pipes regularly for leaks for refrigeration, cleaning, and cooking equipment
  • Cleaning refrigeration and heating coils regularly
  • Changing air conditioning filters regularly
  • Replacing old equipment and lighting with newer, energy efficient models

Implementing these tactics in a restaurant can save a business thousands of dollars every year in energy and utilities costs.

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Exhaust hoods, commercial refrigeration units, ventilation systems, and other items within a restaurant kitchen rely on the care and maintenance of HVAC technicians to continue to function properly. HVAC technicians may be required to make sure that airways in equipment are clean and free of debris, that heating and cooling coils are in proper working condition, that hoses and connectors are tight and free of damage, and a number of other vital tasks. Without proper maintenance, not only will equipment perform inefficiently, but air systems may become contaminated, mold may form inside the kitchen, and improper atmospheric conditions may create a dangerous work environment for kitchen staff. In the dynamic environment of a commercial kitchen, HVAC technicians are a necessary part of fostering safe and sanitary conditions for both workers and customers.

For more information about the services HVAC technicians provide businesses or to enroll in an HVAC training program, contact The Refrigeration School.


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